Saturday, February 20, 2010

two sides

Two sides rage war within me,two sides pulling me in two directions,two sides which are polar opposites that clash everyday,two sides which live inside of me,two sides..

and every time i have to choose only one

The flesh and spirit,each desiring wat is contradictory to the other.The flesh hungering and fulfilling only wat it craves for and desires.Always wanting to go against the laws that have been set,always wanting to cross the boundaries that have been placed.the raw nature of sin that had manifested itself in humans for eons,driving the very beings God made in his own image,to defy and rebel against him,and it is no different in me.It is a side i fear,a side i dread,the side of me which is haunting and dementing,a side shrouded with darkness and cloaked with the capacity for great evil.

but the spirit is the side which gives me life,true life,and allows me to have life and have it in abundance.a side which has enabled me to see,opening my once blinded spiritual eyes and by grace,spreading on me a blanket of grace and righteousness.The spirit,given to me when i accepted and believed in the salvation brought open by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.the spirit a vital and essential gift frm God,and i thank Him for it everyday

So father i pray that i obey the spirit more,ur spirit,and that i will come to understand even further that sin..has never had a hold on me,that along with all my brothers and sisters in Christ,we are free frm the bondage and shackles of sin which cannot imprison us any longer.


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