Monday, September 15, 2008

I've come down with a slight fever,i think i played sports too vigorously on sun.At least i can use com,my family is out nowXD.Yea max and yongxiang i'm gonna get u back for bullying me like tat.Jamie we'r still even...and i will turn out to be the victorXD.Again...THERE IS NO WAY THAT WAS U.

A lot of ppl think"fuck" is vulgar but lookie here


Sooooooo do u see the light?XD(note:i am not a vulgar guy,jus remebered tat my friend told me this)

Yongxiang said a lot of stupid stuff when were whizzing in the toilet....but i'll let him tell u guys.

1 comment:

AbEl BeNjAmIn ChWeE said...
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