Monday, November 10, 2008

to yong xiang

to yong xiang...cheers.

although we only knew each other for just over a year,we have become very close friends,to the extent of brotherhood.Yong xiang,i'm gonna miss u a lot ,it wont ever be the same without you,of curse u will come back right?=)

the times when we crapped,prank called,crapped,played sports,crapped,sneaked out at night,and yes crapped,dont ever forget them,cause i wont.

Make sure u keep in contact.always be close and keep on growing in God,i will see u here there or in the air.=)

I am sad to say that u'll be leaving us,but this is a new beggining for you too.

You've been one of my closest friends yx,i will remember this brotherhood.

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